days ago, EquaCoin released its new wallet, working on the Waves
blockchain. The wallet can be downloaded from their home page www.equacoin.cash -
this new service it is possible to give a reliable timestamp to any
document or multimedia file like contracts, gentlemen’s agreements,
articles of association, books, trade marks, storyboards, toons, songs,
video and so on.
The Waves-NG protocol is being used as a decentralized, trusted, and secure timestamping service.
Once connected to the wallet, it is needed to import a previous created account, or generate a new one with a new set of seeds.
done it will be possible, using the new menu choice, to access the
registration page. Check to have at least 50.01 EQUA in your wallet if
you would like to test the service. The EquaCoin wallet allows EQUA to
pay also transaction fee. You can buy EQUA on DEX.
Registration consents, once selected a file, to calculate its SHA256
hash storing the result on the blockchain forever. The almost-univocy of
the SHA256 hash and the timestamp accuracy assured by the blockchain
can be used in many legal tasks.
procedure consents to calculate hash for any file type, suggesting a
dimension not exceeding 1Gb. However I have tested it up to 2 Gb with
correct result. The time needed to calculate the hash can range from one
second to some minutes, depending on the computer capabilities.
feature consents to calculate hash of graphic stuff and movies. It is a
great function for designers, artists as well as lawyers and anyone
needing to give a chronological definition to his creation.
What’s Hash?
hash function is any function that can be used to map data of arbitrary
size onto data of a fixed size. The values returned by a hash function
are called hash values, hash codes, digests, or simply hashes. A
cryptographic hash function allows one to easily verify whether some
input data map onto a given hash value, but if the input data is unknown
it is deliberately difficult to reconstruct it (or any equivalent
alternatives) by knowing the stored hash value. This is used for
assuring integrity of transmitted data or, in our case, the existence in
life of a certain file since the timestamp date. In the EquaCoin wallet
has been used a SHA-256 algorithm to generate an almost-unique 256-bit
(32-byte) signature for the selected file.
Waves Transaction Timestamp accuracy
it is not easy to investigate the timestamp accuracy bound to any
transaction. As first we can say that all nodes in the Waves blockchain
are frequently syncronized with an external time source using NTP.
(Network Time Protocol) is a protocol designed to synchronize the
clocks of computers over a network. It is one of the oldest Internet
client/server protocols and is used worldwide since 30 years ago.
time difference of less than 128ms between server and client is
required to maintain NTP synchronization. The typical accuracy on the
Internet ranges from about 5ms to 100ms, possibly varying with network
In 1999 a survey from MIT Medialab [1]
suggested that 90% of the NTP servers had network delays below 100ms,
and about 99% were synchronized within one second to the synchronization
The main time source of NTP server can be an atomic clock or a GPS signal. It is clear that for our goals that accuracy is of at least 2 orders better than needs.
The second parameter to investigate is the time needed for block generation. As known the Waves-NG
protocol is, at present, the fastest available and it can assemble a
block each minute composed by many micro-blocks every 2 or 3 seconds.
That parameter is consistent with our goals too.
seems that the new option available in the EquaCoin Wallet can be
profitably used for every day timestamp registration requirements.
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