domenica 18 ottobre 2020

Crypto-Italy: the government promoting cryptocurrencies



ROME, October 18, 2020 - At 3 o'clock tonight, the government has deliberated the green light to seize current accounts for civil and commercial credits not only on the national territory but also on the whole European territory "quickly and without notice". The measure seems to favour the transition from the traditional bank account to the use of modern anonymous electronic purses that use cryptocurrency or stablecoin. 

The wording of the press release: "The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister of European Affairs Vincenzo Amendola and the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, has approved, under final examination, a legislative decree to adapt national legislation to the provisions of Regulation No 655/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council of 15 May 2014 establishing a procedure for the European Account Preservation Order in order to facilitate cross-border debt recovery in civil and commercial matters. The Regulation introduces a legal instrument, binding and directly applicable by virtue of a new unitary procedure, which allows, in cross-border cases, the confiscation of sums held by the debtor on bank accounts also present in other Member States of the Union, quickly and without prior notice. The rules are in addition to national procedures, but do not replace them; the procedure applies to pecuniary claims in civil and commercial matters..."



Roma, 18 ottobre 2020 -  Alle 3 di notte il governo ha deliberato il via libera al sequestro dei conti correnti per crediti civili e commerciali non solo sul territorio nazionale ma anche su tutto il territorio europeo "in modo rapido e senza preavviso". La misura sembra volta a favorire il passaggio dal tradizionale conto corrente bancario all'utilizzo di moderni borsellini elettronici anonimi che utilizzano  criptovalute o stablecoin. 

Il testo del comunicato stampa: "Il Consiglio dei ministri, su proposta del Ministro per gli affari europei Vincenzo Amendola e del Ministro della giustizia Alfonso Bonafede, ha approvato, in esame definitivo, un decreto legislativo di adeguamento della normativa nazionale alle disposizioni del regolamento n. 655/2014 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 15 maggio 2014 che istituisce una procedura per l'ordinanza europea di sequestro conservativo su conti bancari al fine di facilitare il recupero transfrontaliero dei crediti in materia civile e commerciale. Il regolamento introduce uno strumento giuridico, vincolante e direttamente applicabile in virtù di una nuova procedura unitaria, che consente, in casi transnazionali, di procedere in modo rapido e senza preavviso, al sequestro conservativo di somme detenute dal debitore su conti bancari presenti anche in altri Stati membri dell'Unione. Le  norme si affiancano ai procedimenti nazionali, ma non li sostituiscono; la procedura si applica ai crediti pecuniari in materia civile e commerciale..."

domenica 11 ottobre 2020

La Moral Suasion di EquaCoin in Europa


  A distanza di un anno e mezzo dall'aprile 2019, il progetto pilota di EquaCoin di un reddito universale in valute digitali ( ha ottenuto due risultati di rilievo di moral suasion sulle politiche istituzionali.

Vediamoli assieme.

1. La Banca Centrale Europea (come anche le altre BC tra cui la cinese che ha già cominciato) ha lanciato il programma di una moneta digitale (CBDC) pur con l'idea di mantenerne la contabilizzazione come passività di bilancio per occultarne i profitti:


2. La Commissione Europea ha lanciato un programma annuale di raccolta firme per un reddito di base universale:

Avviare redditi di base incondizionati (RBI) in tutta l'UE


Cosa manca ancora per adeguare le politiche europee all'interesse pubblico ?

1. La partecipazione democratica diretta della popolazione alle decisioni di politica monetaria (prevista dal prototipo iniziale EquaCash realizzato da EquaCoin su Ethereum di cui i sorgenti sono disponibili gratuitamente su GitHub) dove ogni partecipante può proporre e votare progetti che si tramutano attraverso l'algoritmo nella creazione di nuova moneta digitale a copertura (il reddito universale è stato il primo su piattaforma Waves-NG)

2. La completa distribuzione al pubblico delle nuove emissioni (reddito universale) qualora non destinate a progetti specifici votati ad hoc dal pubblico stesso.

3. La decentralizzazione del sistema ad ogni singolo utente con depositi segregati che funzionano come contante digitale, senza discezionalità di organismi monopolistici e privati che hanno fini diversi dal bene collettivo - come il profitto privato sul bene pubblico.

Tempo al tempo, la storia è immanente e imminente. 

Per ora grazie a tutti quanti quelli che hanno partecipato e stanno rendendo possibile questo sogno.

giovedì 8 ottobre 2020

Beppe Grillo: we are ready for a national digital currency

The Italian Digital Coin
Beppe Grillo, October 8, 2020


of G51LL0 - "2150. What are these? I haven't seen any since my great-grandfather's time. What are they called? Euro? Did they really go around with these pieces of coloured paper in their pockets?

Do you ever think that in 2020 there was still no e-Lira, the Italian digital currency? Many countries in those years were starting to keep up with the times, people were already talking about digital coins, cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the economists of the time were still talking about GDP, tangible goods and Spreads! The most sophisticated technologies had been present for years but these pieces of paper were still circulating in Italy. How is it possible that they did not understand the transformation that was taking place? My great-grandfather used to tell me: "Today's economy is studied in books from the 50s, with theories from the 1800s!

Yet on his Blog my great-grandfather dealt with the theme of digital coins countless times. In those years Facebook took its first steps with his Libra, as did China, which was starting to experiment in 4 cities, or Sweden with its e-Krona. Also the French central bank announced in those years the beginning of an experimentation of its digital currency. And in Italy they were still debating the lowering of VAT as the only solution! It was crazy!

They did not understand that a digital currency, obviously for internal use, would give an important boost to the relaunch of consumption, reducing to zero the time of disbursement and the question of creditworthiness, which had always held back the banks.

They did not understand that the revolution lay in e-Lira, a virtual circuit for real purchases, guaranteed by blockchain technology, which could provide non-repayable credits, perhaps convertible after a number of years.

They did not understand how a part of the resources that the government wanted to give non-repayable could be used to guarantee these digital credits. In this way there would be 10 times the speed of consumption! There was no need for any investigation other than the creation of the digital account. Any natural person with Spid could have their digital account connected. Ditto for businesses.

It's amazing how they didn't notice the incredible advantage it could mean for businesses, traders and craftsmen, and how it would lead to zero bureaucracy for credit disbursement. The only requirement was the opening of the account. At the moment when these credits would have turned between businesses, citizens and PA, it would not be necessary to evaluate the guarantees because they could not be accumulated, these credits would turn, turn! No one would have had any interest in holding them steady and they would have acted as an accelerator of consumption, exclusively internal consumption as per European constraints.

The State would have had in its hands an anonymous monitoring in real time, at Big Data level, on how these credits were spent and last but not least, it would have cut off the underworld and all the underworld.

Without thinking of tax "games" such as the reduction of VAT or the movement of money by our citizens, which many foreign sales platforms were doing in those years in foreign countries by dumping.

After all, the issue that was not understood was simple and was based on two principles: non-cumulation and the obligation to use credits only for domestic consumption. These two combined factors would have acted as an accelerator, because the only way to use these credits was to spend them. Then, after the time set by the government, they could be converted into Euros, but once the circuit was started, there would be few who would ask for the conversion.

So, these are the beginnings of e-Lira, the first Italian digital currency and the advantages that few people realised in 2020... but that today, as for Universal Income, we can fully benefit from it... thanks to the courage of some visionaries!".

"Ma quanto vale - davvero - EquaCoin ?" But how much is EquaCoin really worth?

  Ma quanto vale - davvero – un EquaCoin ? But how much is a EquaCoin really wort...