lunedì 15 ottobre 2018

EquaCoin, promise kept: EQUACASH is on Ethereum

EquaCoin, promise kept: EQUACASH is on Ethereum (ERC-20)

The EquaCoin team is pleased to announce that the EquaCoin project is released to the public on the Ethereum platform under the acronym EQUACASH (EquaCoin Cash).

The interface, accessible through, allows you to open an ERC-20 compatible wallet, to buy EQUACASH with ETHER, and to access the smart-contract which in turn allows you to present and vote on projects as described in the whitepaper initially published on

The sources have been published on GitHub and ownership of the initiative is in the public domain.

Anyone wishing to switch from the Waves purse to the Ethereum purse must pour the EquaCoin Waves on the transfer purse: 3PPYDRUX2hiMd1hpMVpZvkGUA4mrZXUEQUA
indicating in the field "message" the address of his purse created on Ethereum ERC-20 compatible on which the EQUACASH will be paid.
The exchange rate is 20 to 1 (20 EquaCoin = 1 EQUACASH)

Those who want to switch from EQUACASH to EquaCoin on Waves must make the payment of EQUACASH to the ERC-20 account: 0x680b926Dd2D75eD1F9fB196116Ad0660AdA10Ff9
indicating the address of your WAVES purse on which to transfer the EquaCoins.
The exchange rate is always 20 to 1 (20 EquaCoin = 1 EQUACASH)

For any further information, write to:

lunedì 17 settembre 2018

An old Italian Court decision states the non-security status of Alt-coin

Court decision from the Italian Chieti Court in the year 2000

La "sentenza di assoluzione" del SIMEC del Tribunale di Chieti

Tribunale di Chieti

Il Tribunale del riesame, riunito in Camera di Consiglio con l’intervento dei Signori Magistrati:
dr. Antonio Gagliardi - Presidente
dr. Giro Marsella - Giudice relatore
dr. Angelo Zaccagnini- Giudice
Letti gli atti ed i documenti presenti nel fascicolo del PM nonchè quelli prodotti a corredo dell’istanza di riesame dalla difesa
uditi in Camera di Consiglio il Relatore, nonché, per la Procura della Repubblica, la dr.ssa Rosangela Di Stefano e, per la difesa, l’avv Antonio Pimpini,
a scioglimento della riserva assunta nell' udienza del 30/8/2000.


Il GIP presso il Tribunale di Chieti con decreto depositato in Cancelleria il 9/8/2000 ed eseguito il 10-11/8/2000, ha accolto la richiesta di sequestro dei Simec - Simboli Econometrici di Valore Indotto - avanzata ex art. 321 cpp dalla Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Chieti con istanza dell' 8/8/2000, ponendo a fondamento del “fumus” dell’istanza la verosimile violazione del disposto di cui agli artt 11. 106. 130 e 132 D L vo 385/93 (cd Testo Unico in materia bancaria).

Avverso la predetta determinazione cautelare e insorto il prof Giacinto Auriti, ideatore dell'iniziativa Simec, sollevando motivi sia di rito che di merito e sostanzialmente ribadendo l’esclusivo rilievo civilistico della vicenda nonché l‘assoluta insussistenza di ipotesi di reato nella vicenda inerente alla circolazione dei Simec medesimi. L’Auriti sottolineava, altresì, l’importanza scientifica dell’iniziativa, sviluppatasi inizialmente, sul piano teorico, presso la Cattedra di Teoria Generale del Diritto e proseguita, in via attuatìva, in quella di Sociologia del Diritto.

giovedì 19 luglio 2018

Welcome Norie Huddle, our new US advisor

We welcome Norie Huddle, our new US advisor, and her project for the Best Game on Earth !

In the mean time we wish to inform that the EQUAZONE is in beta-testing and will be online as soon as possible to provide exchange between EQUA(Waves) and  EQUA(ERC-20) on Ethereum !

lunedì 4 giugno 2018

The Best Game on Earth: Simple strategy to transform humanity

Norie Huddle has a simple but powerful model for transforming the world in a way that is fast and fun — insights she shares from almost 50 years of seeking root solutions to the most pressing problems humanity faces. Watch this talk and you’ll never see the world - or your life - the same way again! Author of seven books (four bestsellers, one global meme), Norie retire at 25 (1970), dedicating her life to understanding "how things work" and how to transform humanity rapidly so we can survive and thrive.

She has an eclectic, international background, speaks several languages and has lived in the US, Italy, Colombia, Japan and Ecuador. In Ecuador, since 2007, Norie and her husband have been building the Garden of Paradise, a rural development model and healing & retreat center.

A popular public speaker, interviewer, consultant, coach and workshop presenter, Norie has built a worldwide network of influential colleagues and friends.

venerdì 1 giugno 2018

A new Italian minister for Direct Democracy: Mr Riccardo Fraccaro (Five Star Movement)

We congratulate Italy for finally having elected a new government that sincerely wants to support democratic principles. We also extend a warm welcome to the new minister for Direct Democray, Mr Riccardo Fraccaro. This is the first time ever in Italy, perhaps in any country, that a ministerial level position has been created to promote Direct Democracy.

We at EquaCoin look forward to developing a robust and effective collaboration with the new government to ensure that Italy renews the great promise of a fair, constitutionally based government that supports all people. Direct democracy is at the core of the whole EquaCoin project.

sabato 31 marzo 2018

EquaCoin chart, March 2018

"Singularly, while the most widespread cryptocurrencies like bitcoins have experienced a downward trend in the last month, Equacoin has gone quite well." - La Stampa, March 31, 2018, pag.25

Italian newspaper LA STAMPA on EquaCoin and co-founder Marco Saba

domenica 25 marzo 2018

How a EURO member can get rid of the national debt (video)

In the following video, Marco Saba, co-founder of EquaCoin, explain how a EURO member state can get rid of the national debt in 10 minutes:

venerdì 2 marzo 2018

IDCO is closed. Next step: Ether Wallet for EquaCoin (ERC-20)

Hello EquaCoiners !

thank to all who participated in our IDCO that ended on February 28, 2018.

You can now check the ranking, market cap and price on CoinRanking, here:

You can now buy/sell more EquaCoins on WAVES PLATFORM in 23 pairs:


lunedì 26 febbraio 2018

"Accounting View" Of Money: #EquaCoin has a pretty solution:

#EquaCoin has a pretty solution to the Bossone-Costa conundrum (more coming):

Money As Equity: For An "Accounting View" Of Money

Coins circulating as legal tender in national jurisdictions worldwide are treated as debt liabilities of...
the issuing states, and are reported as a component of public debt under their respective national accounting statistics (ESA, 2010). Similarly, banknotes issued by central banks, and by extension central bank reserves (which represent the largest share of money base in every contemporary economy), are considered as liabilities of the issuing central banks and are accounted for as central bank debt to their holders.
By Biagio Bossone e Massimo Costa

In fact, even though the law says that money is “debt”, a correct application of the general principles of accounting does raise deep doubts about such a conception of money. Debt typically involves an obligation between lender and borrower as contracting parties. We wonder which obligation may fall upon the state from the rights entertained by the holders of coins, or which obligation may fall upon the central bank from the rights entertained by the holders of banknotes or by the banks holding reserves.

We specifically refer to these three “species” of money because they are all “legal tender”, that is, in force of a legal power, they absolve their issuers of any responsibility to convert them into other forms of value. This is not the case, obviously, for monies that are convertible on demand into commodities or liabilities issued by third parties (e.g., currencies of other countries). On the other hand, conversion of reserves into banknotes does not constitute a central bank’s debt obligation, since it only gives rise to a substitution of one form of liability for another that is issued by the same central bank and is not redeemable in any other form of value produced by third parties.

A similar question can be asked with respect to the money issued by commercial banks in the form of sight deposits, inasmuch as this money plays a similar role to that of legal tender in almost all bank-customer relations (excluding interbank obligations, which require central bank money as settlement asset).[1] We shall return to this type of money later on in the article. Below we focus on legal tender monies issued by the state or the central bank.
Legal tender: if it is not debt, what else is it?

In the old days, local sovereigns guaranteed that the coins they issued contained a specific amount of precious metal (silver or gold).[2] Still in those days, banknotes gave their holders the right to claim for their conversion into silver or gold coins. To be able to match those claims, sovereigns needed to hold adequate volumes of metal reserves. The same kind of obligation committed central banks with respect to their reserve liabilities issued to commercial banks. Therefore, all three species of money gave origin to true debt obligations that were legally binding on their issuers and could be triggered on demand by their holders at any point in time.

But this was the past. Today, convertibility has all but disappeared for each of the three money species under discussion. Coins have lost most of their relevance and have been largely replaced by paper money. Convertibility of banknotes has been suspended long ago, and the abandonment of the gold-exchange standard, about half a century ago, marked the definitive demise of “debt” banknotes even at the international level. Finally, the reserve deposits held by commercial banks and national treasuries at central banks are today delinked from any conversion obligation into commodities or third-party liabilities (except where the central bank adheres to fixed exchange rate arrangements, the economy is dollarized, or the country is under a currency board regime).

Therefore, although for legacy reasons, or simply due to conventional choice, money is still allocated as debt in public finance statistics and central bank financial statements, it is not debt in the sense of carrying obligations that imply creditor rights.[3] Rather, it represents equity for the issuer and, as such, it implies ownership rights.

The “Accounting View” of money

"Ma quanto vale - davvero - EquaCoin ?" But how much is EquaCoin really worth?

  Ma quanto vale - davvero – un EquaCoin ? But how much is a EquaCoin really wort...